
Memory Monday v. 8

I want to cherish for a lifetime...

...all the funny things my husband says. He's started noticing that I tweet them as they happen. But they're just too funny to not chronicle so one day I can go back and say, "Remember when you said...". I'm sure to hear "Are you tweeting that? WHY are you tweeting that?" every time. But I don't care. Here is just one example of why I must keep these "chronicled" in some sort of way:

"You know, if everyone was in their BMI the planet might turn on its axis a bit better. [few seconds pause] Maybe that's why there are so many people on the other side of the planet, because there are so many overweight people over here."

In true form my hubby said this last night about the obesity problem in the United States. No lie. And it was completely out of the blue.

Oh how I love that man!

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