
Praying for Him: His Marriage

Ahh, marriage: what most girls dream of and what Hollywood really messes up with portraying accurately. Even the best marriages have difficult times. So it goes without saying every marriage needs to be covered in prayer.

I honestly feel this is going to be a short post. It's honestly up to you to take the time to clothe your marriage in prayer. To ask God to unite you and your husband together as only He is able. To ask God to keep any situations which may lead to divorce far away from you, allowing you both to not succumb to temptation. Stormies says it well: "Praying about all aspects of a marriage keeps the concept of divorce from gaining any hold." (p. 154)

And so though short, I urge you to take time to pray over your marriage, even if everything seems to be a field of flowers right now. You never know when hardships will strike; the only way to prepare for hardships is to be clothing yourself and your marriage in armor, prayer being part of it.

May we all be fervent in coming before the throne of God asking Him to bless the covenenant we each made with our spouses before Him!
Here are the rest of my posts from this 30 week series I've done on praying for my husband:

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